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January 12, 2022 Corporate News

5% Policyholder Dividend Awarded in March

Beacon Mutual Announces 5 Percent Policyholder Dividend

Today, the Beacon Mutual Insurance Company announced the distribution of an average five percent dividend to be paid in March 2022 to eligible policyholders.

“As a mutual insurance company, we are owned by our policyholders and, it is in the mutual best interest of Beacon and our policyholder owners to distribute these funds to be invested back into their businesses. We hope that the dividend will allow business owners to invest in improvements in their workforce, facilities, training, safety, and prevention programs,” said Beacon President & CEO Brian J. Spero.

Beacon will complete dividend distribution in March 2022 as a one-time payment to all eligible policyholders. The dividend will be distributed to approximately 96% of Beacon policyholders, 11,000 Rhode Island businesses, based upon their loss history.

This dividend program is designed to reward Beacon’s best-performing policyholders and will be distributed based on premium size and safety results for policies in force as of December 31, 2021, and still in force as of February 28, 2022. This dividend recognizes policyholders who have contributed to Beacon Mutual’s financial strength by demonstrating safety as a priority in order to keep workers safe and losses low.

Raymond C. Coia, Chairman of the Beacon Board, said “I am very pleased that Beacon is able to provide our policyholders with this dividend and I am proud to be associated with an organization that always puts the interest of its policyholders and their employees first.”

Beacon Mutual has a successful 30-year history as the leading workers' compensation insurance company in Rhode Island,  protecting employers and employees through high-quality safety training programs and educational resources to prevent workplace accidents and to return injured employees to work with compassion and care.

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Beacon Mutual
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Beacon Mutual

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